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Business, Real Estate, and Trust Tax Returns

Our goal for this training series is to learn how to estimate a business’s and real estate’s ability to produce income for its owner, which is a different figure from the business’s taxable income. We will use tax returns to help us convert the taxable income into a value that better represents the owner’s share of the business’s profits. We will also look at trusts and other information that can be gleaned from tax returns to help us assess a fair and representative estimate of a student or family’s relative economic strength, to help us allocate our need-based institutional funds equitably.

Please view Segment B-00 before viewing the other webinars. It contains important information that will help you take the information in the other segments and apply them to your own institutions systems and approach.

If you have any questions about the content contained in the training or any problems using this site, please contact Robert Weinerman at

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